Appointments & Referrals
To make an appointment, call Central Appointments at 623-856-2273. If you're an active duty patient, you can also schedule your appointment online using the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal. Learn more about booking appointments online. We also offer access to active duty service members Monday-Friday, 6:30-7 a.m. When calling the appointment line, be prepared to provide the patient’s date of birth and one additional patient identifier.
For any care your primary care manager doesn’t provide, such as urgent, preventive, mental health, and specialty care, you will need a referral. Find out more about how to obtain referrals and authorizations.
If you need to cancel your appointment, please cancel at least two hours in advance by calling the appointment line.
The 56th MDG doesn’t have emergency services. Emergencies do not require prior authorization to receive medical care. If you have a medical emergency (life, limb, or eyesight) call 911 and go to the nearest emergency room for care.
If you have a non-emergent medical issue during non-duty hours, contact the Military Health System Nurse Advice Line for help in obtaining urgent care.