Family Advocacy Program (FAP)
The mission of Family Advocacy is to enhance the quality of military family life through domestic violence treatment and prevention and education services, while increasing mission readiness.
Family Advocacy offers a multitude of:
- Parenting and Couple’s Communication Classes
- New Parent Support Classes
- Specific Treatment Support
Who We Serve
FAP provides services primarily to active duty military members and National Guard/Reserve members on Title V orders.
Services Provided
- Educational Services
- Preventative Counseling
- Evidence-based Outpatient Treatment
- Couples and Family Counseling
- Education services targeted to new parents or parents with children under age 3
Signs of Maltreatment
- Physically being hit, punched, or kicked
- Being threatened either physically or emotionally
- Being degraded or demeaned
- Finances or access to fund being restricted or controlled
- Personally identifying documents, like passport or driver’s license, are restricted from use
How to Seek Services
An individual self-identifies to the FAP clinic requesting services.
Medical Referral
Made by medical personnel (PCM or specialist).
Command Referral
Unit commander will refer an individual when maltreatment is suspected.
For information or assistance with referrals, or if you would like to self-refer, please contact the Luke AFB Mental Health Clinic at 623-856-7579